Pancha Koshas in the modern age

Pancha Koshas:  A look into ancient wisdom to increase our health with Ayurveda and Yoga in a modern age – By Jill Palmer The Five Koshas (Layers) of Existence The Taittiriya Upanishad describes human beings as having five sheaths or layers of existence, each one being internal to the next which are akin to several

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Three Doshas of Ayurveda

Ayurveda and the three Doshas: Live self-compassion with the help of natural medicine Ayurveda gives us a deep understanding of the relationship between health, the environment, and the mind. ​ It is the traditional system of medicine from India that integrates body, mind, and spirit using a comprehensive holistic approach. Ayurveda places great emphasis on prevention and encourages the daily maintenance of health.

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Karmuka Yoga Jornadas Marzo Abril 2020

June 2020: 5th Annual Karmuka Yoga Workshop Series Integrated Techniques

The fifth annual workshop series of Karmuka Yoga and Integrated Techniques in Seville, Spain: June 2020. Three different workshops that combine the precise practice of Karmuka Yoga with the transformative power of Yamuna Body Rolling and Body Logic.  After months of isolation and the resulting stress in mind and body, don´t miss this great opportunity

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