Both the yogic mind and the truly scientific mind must be a living mind, learning, never ending. Gently holding onto observed truths and patterns, but willingly letting them go if proven to be false. In this way, the flow of knowledge is constant and is never dead or stagnant. It is this curiosity that sheds
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Yoga Asana and Vagus Nerve Function
Why physical posture affects your mood, perception of reality, creative and executive functioning. Research is identifying that a large part of our perceived reality has it’s basis in the ascending visceral communication of the body upwards to the brain (mainly through the vagus nerve), where it is then interpreted and then sent back to the
Leer más...The Mystery of Light & Atma – Yoga & Physics in Conversation
So I have a neighbor who lives downstairs from me. He is a physicist. And Sunday afternoon as we sat enjoying enchiladas potosinas and guacamole, he began to explain to me the concept and problem with the speed of light. Here it is summarized below. Imagine you see a train traveling at 50km per hour.
Leer más...Psychedelics, Yoga and the Shamanic Journey Part IV: Integration
Integration with Yoga Therapy & Fasting Psychedelics, Yoga Therapy & Trauma – Integration of the Shamanic Journey: After the trauma of loss I had been through when leaving Spain, as I described in part III of this blog, and the resulting deep subconscious work that I had done in the Yucatán with psychedelics, I could tell that
Leer más...Psychedelics, Yoga and the Shamanic Journey Part III : Mexico
An exploration into the Columbian and Peruvian Ayuahuasca Traditions and an unexpected meeting with the ‘The Toad’ (Bufo Alvarius). Psychedelics and Yoga. Healing Trauma in Mexico. According to research by led by Dr. Peter Levine and Dr. Van der Kolk, trauma is experienced when we feel that our capacity to respond is taken away from us. This is
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