Private Yoga Therapy Sessions

In Karmuka Yoga Online Therapy sessions the needs of each individual student is assessed and each online and in-studio yoga therapy program is tailored accordingly. Yoga Therapy  techniques as researched by Dr. Peter Levine (Somatic Experience),  B.K.S. Iyengar and Paramanand Institute of Yoga and Science Research as well as great mind-body workers like Yamuna Zake and Erik Frankel are integrated and adapted to each individual and their yoga therapy needs including recovery from long Covid. All Karmuka online and in-studio yoga therapy classes help release and realign the skeleton structure and fascia network to both target specific problem areas as well as balance the nervous system.

The personalized attention of the online Yoga Therapy sessions and private Yoga lessons facilitates noticeable improvement in posture, breath, joint stability, quality of sleep, mood and increased mental focus, flexibility and strength. Using the best online Yoga therapy training and evidence based methods, students feel relief from pain, stress and tension in just one session. Karmuka Yoga´s positive and attentive approach as well as endless enthusiasm empowers  students no matter where they are in the world to educate and heal themselves. 

yoga therapy

A matter of space

Karmuka Yoga uses the forms of Yoga Asana (Physical Posture) to teach students how to optimize their breath and the skeleton’s 6 main arch foundations to achieve overall stability, flexibility and strength. In the in-studio and online private Karmuka Yoga therapy sessions Yoga postures and Yamuna Body Rolling routines are modified and adapted to precisely fit the needs of each student and their unique physical or psychological challenges. Each in-studio and online private Yoga class uses various tools of perception such as Yoga belts, Yoga chairs, Yoga blocks and Yoga blankets to help educate and empower the student in their own healing process and education. student empowerment.

yamuna body rolling

Starting work from the bone

Yamuna Body Rolling with Karmuka Yoga addresses areas of pain, injury, or discomfort in a very personal way, using pressure and traction to realign the whole body. Starting from the foundation of the bone, Yamuna Body Rolling online and in-studio utilizes the pressure of a ball and traction to open up these restrictions, strengthen bone structure and facilitate healing. The emphasis is education, and the ball guides the body in the educational process.

Yamuna Foot Fitness with Karmuka Yoga recognizes that our feet are our foundation and affect the whole body. Knee and hip problems often begin in the feet. Using Foot Wakers and Foot Savers, foot fitness education will teach you to reeducate your feet to better support your body when standing and move through the whole foot when walking. Many foot problems such as neuromas, bunions, hammer toes, and plantar fasciitis can be prevented or improved with regular practice.

plant therapy

Nature's Therapy

Plant Therapy with Karmuka Yoga is a powerful transformative process that requires preparation and integration. The nutrients we take in to feed ourselves are just as important in molding our perception of the world as the way we move and breathe. Through supervised guidance in a safe and secure environment the wisdom of yoga is integrated into the powerfully transformative and therapeutic application of plant therapy. All students wishing to participate in either online or in-studio plant therapy sessions must contact us directly to set up an individual consultation and interview.
