Workshops & retreats

Karmuka Yoga workshops in Seville and in the USA as taught by Michelle and Norma Goodrick quickly improve posture, increase flexibility and transform body awareness through the integration of the innovative and powerful techniques of Yamuna Body Rolling, Kurunta Yoga and the precise and personalized method of Karmuka Yoga. The workshops center on teaching students to feel the internal actions that create bone, muscle and nerve alignment.  In just one session students feel on a very deep level how to connect mind, body, and breath to improve both their Yoga practice - in all its forms and traditions - as well as everyday movement. Visit the following page to see the upcoming Karmuka Yoga Workshops and Retreats.

Because of the personalized attention, space is limited. If you would like to reserve your place in the upcoming Karmuka Yoga workshops and Retreats, contact Karmuka Yoga below.

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